Bharat Solve

An ounce of Mediation is worth a pound of Arbitration and a ton of Litigation” - Joseph Grynbaum

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Bharat Solve is a global legal-tech organisation specialising in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services, including mediation, arbitration and related services. Bharat Solve ensures end-to-end case management through highly secure online, offline and hybrid modes. Our expert panellists are equipped to handle complex disputes while our tailored rules of arbitration and mediation ensure an equitable and cost-effective process. Bharat Solve’s collaborative ecosystem is built on neutrality, transparency, simplicity and trust.


Speedy disposal of disputes

Simple and Convenient


Cost Saving

Focussed on Solutions

Improves Ease of Doing business

Preserves Relationships

Mediation Steps

Arbitration Steps


Applicability of ADR

Not Limited To

Commercial Disputes

Contractual Disputes

Family/Matrimonial Disputes

Consumer Disputes

E-commerce & Digital Business

Real Estate & Construction

Banking and Insurance


Maritime Disputes

Connect with us

Take the first step towards resolving your dispute by filling one simple form. Our representatives will guide you on the most appropriate method of Dispute Resolution.